What religion is your church?
Victory is a member church of the global Seventh-day Adventist religion. The Seventh-day Adventist religion is a protestant religion which grew out of the Millennialist Protestant Christian denomination that was founded in the 1860s in the USA. The name Seventh-day Adventist is based on the Church’s observance of the “biblical Sabbath” on Saturday, the seventh day of the week. “Advent” means coming and refers to their belief that Jesus Christ will soon return to this earth. Seventh-day Adventists differ in five areas of beliefs from the mainstream Trinitarian Christian denominations. These are:
(1) Sabbath day – the Seventh-day is Saturday and it is the day established from creation whereby we are invited to:
“Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. (Exodus 20:8-11) [Read More…] , (2) the doctrine of the heavenly sanctuary – The book of Hebrews affirms that Christ began His priesthood offering Himself as an atoning sacrifice on the cross of Calvary for the sins of the world (Heb. 8:1-5; 9:11- 28). Having made a complete and perfect sacrifice, He ascended into heaven to become a High Priest “at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens” (Heb.8:1; cf. Zech. 6:13). [Read More…]
(3) the status of the writings of Ellen White, [Read More…] (
4) the doctrine of the second coming and millennium [Read More…] and
(5) the state of the dead . [Read More]
What is the Lifestyle of Adventists?
Adventists live modest lives, with a strong desire to live vibrant, purpose filled and healthy lives. Therefore they don’t smoke or drink alcohol, and strongly recommend a vegetarian diet as the most healthy way to eat. Some members exercise the free choice to consume meat, but only following the Biblical commandments on clean and unclean food (See the book of Leviticus, chapter 11 in the Bible)d.
Outreach work is very important to the Church and all Adventists believe they have a duty to share the love of Christ for all men (good or bad) with others. There are approximately 18 million Seventh-day Adventists worldwide (2014), with perhaps another 7 million people more loosely associated with the Church. No matter where you find a Seventh-day Adventist believer, you will find them adhering to the ideals described by the Bible. Their lives will illustrate both faith in God and the church’s commitment to the betterment of all human beings.
Organizational Structure?
What is the organizational structure of the Church?
The Seventh-day Adventist Church operates a democratic organization. The local church membership has the right to vote up (approve) or down (disapprove) any proposal brought before them. The global church is served through its administration of 13 world divisions and two attached fields. The General Conference or G.C coordinates the global ministry of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, a body set up under the belief that no man should be governed by the judgment of another, and any decision should be made by an assembly of its members. The General Conference Session is the official world meeting of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, held every five years. At the session, delegates from churches around the world elect the Church’s World Leaders, discuss and vote on changes to the Church’s Constitution, and listen to reports from the Church’s 13 Divisions on activities going on within its territory.
World Wide Involvement?
How is the Adventist church involve worldwide?
The Church is heavily involved in education with almost 7,000 schools around the world and over 100 colleges and universities. The Church also operates 785 medical facilities (2005 figures). In 2005 the Church elected a woman as one of its nine vice presidents; the first time a woman has been included in its top leadership. Today the Seventh-day Adventist Church has a presence in more than 200 countries. Its commitment includes satellite television and shortwave radio blanketing the globe, a huge publishing program, thousands of schools, a large network of hospitals and clinics, and hundreds of missionaries. It also includes a worldwide humanitarian work through the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) and Adventist Community Services (ACS). For more information about Who are Seventh-day Adventists visit our Beliefs page.
What will I experience in your service?
When you walk into our sanctuary you will see a very diverse congregation. Not only are we a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural church, but we have people of all ages and socio-economic backgrounds. This unique blend creates a beautiful, rich environment. During a service, you will experience many genres of music including contemporary and gospel, as the worship team ushers in the presence of the Holy Spirit, followed by dynamic fellowship, prayer and sermons presented by our pastors, visiting speakers or local elders or members. The Power and Presence of God is strongly felt in our services.
Do I have to be a member to participate?
At Victory we encourage participation by members and non-members. Seventh-day Adventist churches practice open Communion, which means if you have accepted the Biblical evidence of Christs’ death and resurrection for your salvation, you are welcome to participate in our Communion Service. We welcome your support and your talents. For some ministries, training and membership is required, but we will support you in any way we can so you can use your gifts and talents to glorify God and be of service to our church and others.
What programs do you have for Children?
Seventh-day Adventists place a great emphasis on the full development of youth and children. As an international Christian organization we believe in creating a culture which encourages child development via our youth clubs, summer camps, other outdoor events, international youth gatherings, weekly Sabbath school programs, mission trips, Vacation Bible Schools and a quality educational system from elementary to university level. It is no surprise that kids are an integral part of our ministry at Victory. We offer Sabbath School where they will have the opportunity to worship and learn God’s Word in a way they can relate to and understand. While it is not mandatory, we also encourage our kids to get involve and so you will see them participating in all areas from special programs, to greeters or leading out in an entire worship service. Additionally; there is our Pathfinder Club, Adventurers Club, Youth and Children’s choirs and other activities purposely designed to help foster in our children and youth respect for self, others and God; and a lasting desire to be of humble service to God and mankind.
How do I become a member?
During your visit you have the opportunity to get a visitor’s card from our ushers or during the worship service. You need to fill it out stating your interest in becoming a member. Our Church Clerk department or Interest Coordinator personnel will contact you to start the process of becoming a member.
Will I be asked to stand and/or identify myself?
We believe most people feel uncomfortable standing and introducing themselves. So, while we want to get to know you and make you feel welcomed, we will never embarrass you in any way. The option of standing is all yours, but if you really don’t mind doing so we encourage you to stand and tell us who your are, so we can start the process of building a mutual friendship with you as you enjoy meeting people at your own pace.
Music Type?
What type of music do you sing?
Our anointed and talented worship teams provide a passionate, contemporary blended style of music. We blend our music with a balance of worship, contemporary and meditative songs intended to help our congregation experience a fulfilling worship experience. We are a contemporary style church, but we value the “old hymns” as well. Most of all we strive for our music to be a reflection of our love for God.
Community Involvement?
How is the Victory Church involve in its community?
The Victory Seventh-day Adventist Church offers many forms of outreach through its various ministries. Our Community Services Ministry offers a Food Pantry typically on the second and fourth Sundays of the month. Our mobile outreach services, Operation H.O.P.E travels throughout our city and other locations bringing Hope, Outreach, Prayer and Educational resources to those in need. Operation H.O.P.E is also a certified Red Cross Disaster Response unit, certified by the New York State chapter of the American Red Cross. Our Sabbath School Ministry operates a summer program for children of our church and the community. Our Pathfinder, Adventurer and Adventist Youth Ministries operate various community outreach programs throughout the year. The desire to SERVE others is the desire of our Ministries here at Victory Seventh-day Adventist Church. It is our goal to create opportunities for you to engage with our surrounding community and share God’s love in practical ways. Check out the Ministries page to find out the latest serving opportunities you may be desirous to serve with.
Prayer / Bible Study
What if I have a Prayer or Bible Study request? You can contact our Pastors directly, visit our church or submit a Prayer Request from the link on our home page.
Here are some resources that may provide additional answers to some of your questions about Seventh-day Adventists