
Share “The Word” From Where You Are @ 11:00 AM
This platform serves as the entry point for virtual preachers who may be invited to serve the Victory Seventh-day Adventist Church as invited presenters. From this platform – vMix Call – you will gain access into our live broadcast via this connection. (this is a live video and audio platform and not a phone call-in platform).
vMix provides an affordable and robust solution for streaming our weekly Sabbath services. Using vMix we are able provide a seamless production to our congregation each week. It is incredibly powerful and versatile and allows us to accomplish all of our video switching, lower thirds, video archive and live streaming all on one machine; as well as bring into our production live guests at high audio and vide quality; and with little or no latency. Our vMix workstation is by far the most powerful and critical piece of equipment in our media department. Thanks for joining the production. Welcome!
- All remote guests presenters must first receive a random generated numeric password from our media production host to access our remote guest production.
- The numeric password will be provided at the time you receive your invite to speak.
- To better understand this resource guests are invited to watch tutorials 1-4, particularly #s 1 and 2 below
- Close all browsers and programs which you will not need at the time of your presentation
- To secure our production we urge you to protect the password and link provided.
- For best performance we recommended the latest version of Google Chrome for Windows or Safari for iPad/iPhone/Mac devices.

Guest Screen Icons & Functions
1. Clicking the red telephone icon will terminate the call
2. Clicking the camera icon will turn your camera off/on
3. Clicking the microphone icon will turn your microphone audio off/on
4. Clicking the green rectangular box will remove/replace your camera image overlay (represented by the black rectangle box above) on the larger (blue) screen
vMix Production Tutorials for Victory Seventh-day Adventist Church Media Production Group
1. Using PowerPoint in vMix with Live Presentation
2. vMix Call Tutorial- add Remote Guests to show.
3. Adding a Zoom Call to your vMix Production.
4. vMix Audio Tutorial 1- Equipment
vMix: Switching to a New Guest Panel with a Button Push
How To Use Mix Input- for overlays, layers and outputs